Our staff is a dynamic team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to bringing life changing experiences through cross-cultural programs.
Cesar Hinojosa CSA´s country coordinator and youth specialist. Native of Western Santo Domingo, Cesar has led CSA's successful "youth and sports" initiatives in La Lecheria. He has a B.A. in Business Administration and has worked in community development for over 15 years, actively involved in the Fe y Alegria School in Batey Lecheria, close to his home in Los Alcarrizos. Cesar´s experience in project management, leadership with youth make him an excellent asset to CSA´s mission.
Maria Cristina German is responsible for the design and supervision of CSA´s Spanish immersion programs. She has over 25 years of experience working in cross-cultural training and instruction of Spanish as a second language, including collaboration with the Spanish Training Department for the Peace Corps.
Carlos Pion Carlos Pion, field coordinator for the Eastern Region, has been working with CSA since 2013. Carlos obtained his B.A. in languages and serves to lead the volunteer groups in the field.
Rigil Ballester and Elizabeth Conklin-Ballester Rigil and Elizabeth are the co-founders of CSA. Both education, global health and international development professionals, they both provide strategic oversight to the CSA programs, develop new partnerships and identify funding for community based projects.