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CSA Projects

CSA works to build capacity and channel resources to benefit grassroots organizations and their respective projects, focusing on health, education and income generation. Through institutional strengthening, accompaniment and the channeling of skills and resources from volunteers and institutional partners, CSA aims to efficiently utilize resources to bring local projects to fruition.


Due to the fact that large international donors require local institutions to possess administrative systems in order to receive grants, there are many grassroots organizations that are not able to compete for funding. However, grassroots organizations do invaluable work in the poorest areas in the Dominican Republic with very little support. CSA works to provide targeted technical assistance and financial resources to these local groups to enable them to accomplish their goals. At the same time, CSA facilitates educational programs and service learning programs, using project sites as a campus for service-learning, making the experiences mutually beneficial for both participants and communities.


Want to learn more? Check out our approach.


We work to directly support grassroots organizations and communities through an array of development projects. The table below illustrates each of the projects supported by CSA.

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